The breath's spirit...

To let the spirit blow



Information: The English translation was made by a French speaking person (but passionate by Sarbacana). So we would like to apologize for the mistakes… If something is not clear, do not hesitate to send a mail. We will do our best to answer your questions. dojo sarbacana





In the Sarbacana’s Way, the zazen & qi gong’s practices are closely connected.


In fact, movement and immobility are inseparable. When we’re still in zazen, the breath keeps on his qi gong inside this immobility.

Conversely, during the qi gong, the attention, permitting the movement’s articulation, is strictly still, as seated in zazen inside this movement.


Immobility & movement are, in other words, visual or surface effects, because, at each moment and in every circumstance, they’re always and simultaneously present in a same place of existence.


What must be brought into consciousness is the vigilance’s way, which allows to enlighten the whole phenomenon, this kind of intelligence that is completely “trans-paradoxical”.


It’s on this presence’s quality that the practicing of “Sarbacana breath’s throw” is articulated.


In fact, the Sarbacana’s Way is to practice, inside a decisive & radical act, this other manner to be present at the world, and to be in the world, revealed by the meditation.


It’s really wonderful to realize, during a meditation (still or in movement), some conscience’s states more accurate, more “awakened”. But this mind’s opening has to be more than a digression which stops as soon as the particular conditions also stop.

But, is it possible for this “lâcher prise” (in French), this opening, to persist in the rules of daily games? Resist during the action, when we’ve to make a decision?


That’s another relevant aspect of the Sarbacana’s practice: bring the conscience’s state, induced by the meditation, to rub/ to confront & penetrate the spirit of everyday life.


According to this, the face to face with the target reproduces the quintessence of each moment’s life conditions: “to choose”, “to decide”, “to act”, “to reach a target”, and so on… But all this resolved, this time, by the breath’s intelligence.




Some inner questions could attract our attention…


At the breath’s throw moment, which kind of attention will appear?

In the aim of reaching effectively the target, aren’t we going to tense, as for our usual efficiency’s methods, our traditional ways of acting?

Can our meditative state produce a pragmatic & decisive act without splitting?

Does our “lâcher prise” allow an active decision?


While the group meditates in zazen, each “breath-blower” shall breath out arrows of breath made of the conscience’s state revealed by his own meditation.

And he can’t delude himself; his arrow hits the target, but it’s his spirit which is hit…

The needle of breath is sticking to the exact point of our presence.

Each arrow crosses our attention exactly where this attention is…


The “breath-blower” sees itself as he’s really; his breath shows it genuinely.

There’s no use of explications or theory: if the meditation was not able to slide in the action, the welfare due to the right act simply doesn’t happen.

And seen from “outside”, it’s also evident; the energy coming from the center of the face is reflecting, while a short instant, the breath’s state of mind, the kind of “chi” that the mouth is able to produce at this moment.

If it’s the shoulders that are breathing out, the face will reflect the aggressive willpower of the shoulders. Impossible to cheat!


Each type of breath will mould its own “face”, letting fall the mask. And this is readable “as a nose in the middle of the face “(according to a French expression).


At each throw, the breath understands & the breath learns.


It’s inside the respiration that the maturation process can be updated.

It’s inside the respiration that the integration of awareness can be realized.

Then can be revealed this intelligence, this presence’s quality where “lâcher prise”& decision are the same.


M.L. Dioptaz


see also


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[1] "Za-Zen" ou Zen assis, terme Japonais de "Za" : assis sans bouger et de "Zen" :  méditation.

Lorsque nous soufflons debout, Sarbacana participe du même esprit que le Kyudô (tir à l'arc traditionnel japonais), en cela il est "Ritsu Zen" (Zen debout).




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